Western Africa is one of the more prolific petroleum provinces of the world. It has been the focus of intense exploration efforts in the past decades. As the focus changes from greenfield development to brownfield exploitation, a unique set of challenges presents itself.

The diverse subsurface settings, from pre-breakup sub-salt reservoirs to tertiary deep water channelised turbidite systems defy simple categorisation. Understanding the depositional systems controlling the quality and distribution of reservoir rocks is therefore an important factor in field development and optimisation. Furthermore the challenges do not stop with geology: data acquisition, engineering, drilling, logistics and safety are all disciplines that are paramount in the development of new and existing resources.

Addax Petroleum will chair the workshop, bringing together a small high-profile cast of engaging speakers in a multidisciplinary approach to oil and gas field development in Western Africa.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 3 June 2013, with registration opening on the same day and closing on 1st November.
Link to the event Webpage: http://www.eage.org/events/index.php?evp=10769&ActiveMenu=2&Opendivs=s3


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