Responsible operations
Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our workforce, partners and surrounding communities, and minimising our impact on the environment are key priorities for Addax Petroleum. Addressing these areas is critical to our business and integral to our sustainable growth.
The principles by which we conduct our operations worldwide are defined by our HSSE Management System. It has been designed to ensure that all our operations are conducted in an environment where all risks are identified and managed at the appropriate level. The system also implements international industry standards and our HSSE Policy as an integrated part of the Company’s overall business goals.
Safety first culture
We focus on fostering a “safety first” culture through a number of initiatives at all levels of our organisation. Hands-on safety training for our employees and suppliers are delivered by qualified trainers. HSSE-focused events are also organised to draw more attention to safe attitude and behaviour and ensure awareness of best practices. Our HSSE Policy is based on five key elements highlighting our will to conduct our business without harm to people or adverse impact on the environment and to develop sustainable relationships with local communities.
Preventing risks & mitigating impacts
Effective risk management is the cornerstone of our HSSE management system. We strive to continuously improve our performance by doing our best to identify, eliminate or mitigate potential hazards in all aspects of our business. Risks are evaluated and controls are conducted to reduce them to as low as is reasonably practicable. Mitigation measures to recover from the unintended incident resulting from hazards or threats are put in place to limit the effects incidents. These may range from simple measures, such as first aid kits, to complex ones, such as incident and emergency response plans or business continuity plans.
In keeping with our proactive approach to managing risks, and in full compliance with the local regulations of our host countries, we conduct Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) before every new exploration, drilling or asset development project. The scope of our EIAs includes potential impacts on the natural environment and on local communities.
Finally, ensuring asset integrity is another aspect of our proactive approach that is important, both from an environmental and safety perspective. This involves maintaining our infrastructure and hardware so that it is safe, reliable and efficient.
Monitoring & reporting tools
We review our HSSE performance and seek to continually improve our business processes and a number of indicators are analysed at corporate level. These include: LTIF, TRIR, safety incidents, security incidents, energy and GHG intensity, total hydrocarbons flared, hazardous waste generated, CH4 - SO2 - NOx emissions, oil & chemical spills, produced water, volume of produced water discharged and produced water discharge quality.
We promote an open culture of reporting – internally, to our stakeholders and to our shareholder – and constructively investigating accidents, incidents, near misses and liquid spills. This includes the proactive sharing of lessons learnt across the organisation.
Reinforcing contractor HSSE capacity
To capitalise on experience sharing and bring partners to integrate and apply its policies and procedures for safety at work, Addax Petroleum’s HSSE department organises an annual forum for its local subcontractors. This meeting also serves as a springboard to strengthen our subcontractor agents working at our operational sites.
Through these forums, the Company encourages greater individual awareness and the involvement of all stakeholders to continue improving the overall HSSE performance and secure best practice.